The MathTalent Class helps children master addition and subtration in 24 hours, multiplication and division in another 12 hours. It consists of 3 parts:
Mathtalent Teacher/Parent Guide. This is a step-by-step manual which you can follow to teach your children. It will be emailed to you. Please do provide us your email when you order.
Next business day customer support via email for 3 months. We will answer your questions and help you resolve problems you may encounter while teaching your kids.
Learning materials for children. This includes a deck of 54 flash cards, a companion workbook and a software package with 86 card games. Please see the picture on the left.
Price: $69.95.(Only ship to the US, Canada, Singapore, Hong Kong and mainland China. For shipping to Singapore and Hong Kong, please leave your phone number. For shipping to mainland China please leave your cell phone number, name and address in Chinese. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at help@mathtalent.com.)